Sideney Caitlin Partridge_sandb1880.jpg

Sidney Caitlin Partridge (S&B 1880)

Ministry. Yale University. Skull and Bones. Linonia. Delta Kappa. Psi Upsilon.

President of Yale Club of Kansas City for a number of years; had delivered numerous addresses before clubs, colleges, and patriotic societies and published some sermons in pamphlet form and religious books in Chinese; translated the declaration of Independence into Chinese, had it engraved on a scroll, and gave it to the American consul.[4]

Ex-officio president of executive council of the Diocese.[4]

WW1 - 1918 to 1919 - Wrote five series of stories on Chinese life and character, which were published by McClure Newspaper Syndicate in papers in the United States and Canada under the title of “The Mysterious Ways of Wang Foo.”.[4]

1916 - A founder of St Andrew’s Church in Kansas City; state chaplain of Rhode Island Society of the Cincinnati and of Missouri Society of the Sons of the Revolution.[4]

Since 1913 - Member of Yale Alumni Board.[4]

Chairman of Social Service Commission of the Province of the Southwest.[4]

Summer 1912 - Preached in various churches in England and Scotland and attended Lambeth Conference of Bishops in London in 1920.[4]

Since 1911 - President of St. Luke’s Hospital, Kansas City, since 1911.[4]

1900 - of late years had frequently preached during the summer months in the “Little Church Around the Corner” in New York; D.D. Berkeley Divinity School.[4]

1911 to 1930 - Elected Prot Espicopal Bishop of the Diocese of West Missouri (then called Diocese of Kansas City), his enthronement taking place at Grace Church in Kansas City on June 27; continued in office until death.[4]

1900 to 1911, Elected first missionary bishop of Kyoto, Japan.(consecrated in Tokyo on February 2)[2][4]

1887 to 1899 - Had charge of Bishop Boone Memorial School for Boys in Wuchang, China, teaching in both Chinese and English.[4] During that period also taught Bible and exegesis in St. Peter’s Divinity School.[4]

Summer 1884, employed under the Board of Missions in giving account of its missionary work in the Far East in various cities of the United States.[4]

12 Jun 1884 - Married in Brooklyn, Charlotte Irene, daughter of Louis and Charlotte Irene (Ritter) Mills, of New Haven. One daughter, Helen Louise (Mrs. George E. Chapin). Mrs. Partridge died May 3, 1886. Married (2) November 27, 1901, in San Francisco, Calif, Agnes Laura Louise, daughter of John Simpson, a graduate of the University of Copenhagen and one time Danish consul in San Francisco, and Amaha (Ortwed) Simpson. One daughter, Amalia Ortwed Lucy, the wife of Frederic Pomeroy Lyman, Jr., a student in civil engineering at Cornell for two years.[4]

4 Jun 1884, Ordained as a deacon in Protestant Episcopal Church, at Middletown, Conn, by the Rt. Rev. John Williams, D D , Bishop of Connecticut, and as priest in 1885 in China, by the Rt Rev William J Boone, D.D , Missionary Bishop of Shanghai.[4]

1884 to 1887 - Instructor in natural science at St. John’s Missionary College in Shanghai , and treasurer of the mission.[4]

1882 to 1884 - Berkeley Divinity School.[4]

1880 to 1882 - Studied at Yale Divinity School.[4]

1880 - Graduated Yale, Skull and Bones Patriarch.[1]

Died 22 Jun 1930, from double lobar pneumonia. Age 71.[4]

[1] - America’s Secret Establishment. An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Antony C. Sutton (2004)

[2] - Fleshing Out Skull & Bones - Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society 2008 by Antony Sutton, Howard Altman, Kris Millegan, Dr Ralph Bunch, Anton Chaitkin and Webster Griffin Tarpley


[4] - Yale Obituary - Page 80

[5] - Google Books - Psi Upsilon

[6] - Amazon - Mysterious Ways Wang Foo

[7] - - Publications by Sidney Caitlin Partridge

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