Robert Abercrombie Lovett_sandb1918.jpg

Robert Abercrombie Lovett (S&B 1918)

Republican. Politician. The Hill School. Yale University. Skull and Bones. Harvard University.

Robert Lovett (S&B 1918) was a core member of the group of foreign policy elders known as “The Wise Men” [Included Dean Acheson (S&K1915. Son S&B, Charles E. Bohlen, W. Averell Harriman (S&B 1913), George F. Kennan and John J. McCloy (CFR)], and was deemed an “architect of the cold war” by social scientist G. William Domhoff, in his 1970 book, The Higher Circles: The Governing Class in America.[3].

20 Jan 1953, returned to Brown Brothers Harriman, where he remained active as a general partner for many years.

Korean War - 17 Sep 1951 to 20 Jan 1953 - 4th United States Secretary of Defense by President Harry S. Truman (Freemason)

Korean War - 4 Oct 1950 to 16 Sep 1951 - 2nd United States Deputy Secretary of Defense to George Marshall (Freemason) by President Harry S. Truman (Freemason)

It was a CFR briefing session in early 1947 that convinced Underscretary of State Robert Lovett of Brown Brothers, Harriman that “it would be our principal task at State to awaken the nation to the dangers of Communist agression[3,p121][4] [Research Lend-Lease, from 1942 the transfer of nuclear technology to Russia and read The Best Enemy a Money Can Buy by Prof. A.C. Sutton, which details the industrial military arming of Russia by U.S. and Allies.]

1 Jul 1947 to 20 Jan 1949 - 15th United States Under Secretary of State to George C. Marshall (Freemason) by President Harry S. Truman (Freemason).

October 22, 1945, Secretary of War Robert Patterson created the Lovett Committee, chaired by Robert A. Lovett (S&B 1918), to advise the government on the post-World War II organization of U.S. intelligence activities … The new agency would ‘consult’ with the armed forces, but ut must be the sole collecting agency in the field of foreign espionage and counterespionage. The new agency should have an independent budget, and its appropriations should be granted by Congress without public hearings. Lovett (S&B 1918) appeared before the Secretaries of State (James F. Brynes (Freemason)), War, and Navy (James V. Forrestal) on November 14, 1945 … Lovett (S&B 1918) pressed for a virtual resumption of the wartime Office of Strategic Services (OSS) … The CIA was established in 1947 according to the prescription of Robert Lovertt (S&B 1918), of Jupiter Island.[Florida][0b,p8][9]

WW2 - Assistant Secretary of War, Secretary Henry L. Stimson (S&B 1888) by President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason) and Harry S. Truman (Freemason). Robert A. Lovett (S&B 1918) attended to the Air Forces Hole from the Developing International Outer Space Law.

1931 - Brown Banking merged with Harriman Brothers & Company forming Brown Brothers Harriman & Co[1,5]

1930 - Became Director of Freeport Sulphur (aka Freeport McMoRan) for more than 25 years.[1]. Search mind map … Godfrey Stillman Rockefeller

19 April 1919 - Lovett (S&B 1918) married debutante Adele Quarterly Brown, daughter of James Brown (1863-1935), a descendant of Alexander Brown (1764 to 1834) and the New York Brown banking family.

Assistant Secretary of War Robert A. Lovett (S&B 1918) attended to the Air Forces Hole from the Developing International Outer Space Law.

Entered his father-in-law’s Wall Street banking firm, now Brown Bros. Harriman & Co, (Co-established by William A. Harriman S&B 1913) of which he is a senior partner.[2]

1918 - Graduated Yale, Skull and Bones Patriarch.

WW1 - Lt. Commander, US Navy Air Squadron.

Died 7 May 1986 from TBC. Aged 90.

Note: He was preceded in death by his wife, Adele, on January 4, 1986. Both outlived their children, Evelyn Springer Lovett Brown (1920–1967: 47yrs) and Robert Scott Lovett, II (1927–1984: 57yrs)

Note: Helped appoint Dean Rusk (Rhodes 1931) to JFK.

Father, Robert S. Lovett was general counsel and later President of the Union Pacific Railroad and on the WW1 War Production Board.[2]

[0] - America’s Secret Establishment. An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Antony C. Sutton (2004)

[0b] - Fleshing Out Skull & Bones - Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society 2008 by Antony Sutton, Howard Altman, Kris Millegan, Dr Ralph Bunch, Anton Chaitkin and Webster Griffin Tarpley

[1] - Office of the Historian - Robert Abercrombie Lovett (S&B 1918)

[2] - ROBERT ABERCROMBIE LOVETT, Assistant Secretary of War for Air during World War II, once impressed a radioman on a B-17 with his knowledge of Jazz while flying back from Algeria. The radioman had tuned in on a jazz concert from London.

[3] - The Higher Circles : The Governing Class in America by Domhoff, G. William, author, 1970 Refernces “Architect”

[4] - American Policy and the Reconstruction of West Germany, 1945-1955 edited by Jeffry M. Diefendorf, Axel Frohn, Hermann-Josef Rupieper

[5] - Find a Grave - Robert Abercrombie Lovett (S&B 1918)

[6] - FYI - Wiki - Robert A. Lovett (S&B 1918)

[7] - The Higher Circles : The Governing Class in America by Domhoff, G. William. 1986

[8] - The Air Force Role in Developing International Outer Space Law by DELBERT R. TERRILL JR., Colonel, USAFR Air Force History and Museums Program

[[9] - Amazon - George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography by Anton Chaitkin, Webster G Tarpley (2004)] (

[9b] - - George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography

[10] - Office of the Historian - Foreign Relations of the United States, 1945–1950, Emergence of the Intelligence Establishment

[11] - Office of the Historian - Memorandum From the Lovett Committee to Secretary of War Patterson, 3 Nov 1945

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